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My Story about having M.S. and catching COVID!

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Hey everybody, greetings from quarantine. Yes, indeed, I have Covid sadly. Someone in my household was confirmed positive on Sunday, August 1, 2021. I had just came home from work that morning and was told the news a few hours later. This prompted me to hurry and schedule testing for my daughter and myself. Because my car is in need of work, we took a LYFT to try the CVS drive-thru free testing because it was the easiest and quickest I thought.

The testing process went a lot better than I thought it would honestly. The CVS drive-thru testing is done completely on your own with guided instruction from the pharmacist/technician. Robyn was really cooperative with me when I had to administer the test to her. Just a quick 15 second cotton swab in each nostril and we submitted our samples. Next step is the waiting process for the results. Because our local, closest CVS didn't have the "rapid results" testing available, we had to wait on the molecular lab test (PCR/NAAT).

So we got tested Monday early afternoon and went back home. The wait time was a little unbearable for me. It was truly a mental battle knowing my immune system was already irregular, I haven't had my Gilenya medication for my M.S. in 4+ months, and now I'm living with covid in my home. This didn't stop anything though. I still had to be a full-time parent and take care of Robyn while trying to keep her protected from this virus. My fatigue, in cahoots with my stress and anxiety made this feel like I'm trying to stop the world from ending, or my world at least. It didn't help that my job had me working 6 days a week two weeks prior to this. I was beat, hurt, drained and in pain but worse than my average M.S. symptoms. Trying to be super mom, battle this autoimmune, take care of my household and still waiting on me and my daughter's test results really took EVERYTHING out of me. I was starting to become just tired and mean entirely too much.

Finally after two days of eager, apprehensive, fearful waiting, I finally got MY results and I was indeed infected with the corona covid virus. It was an odd uneasy feeling honestly. It's like .02 seconds of "Yay!! I finally got my results!" then immediately the sorrow sinks in of "oh my gosh, I have covid". I had to figure out what my next step was. By nature I immediately decided to eat a couple of cough drops and hop in the shower. After that I had to just mentally prepare myself for quarantine. Part of me was thinking "well, my prayers were answered when I prayed for an excuse to get me out of work". From that thought, I've been trying to enjoy my time at home in quarantine by reading. song writing, creating for social media/Youtube just everything. I even put up a 5th attempt at hanging my wall clock and pictures in my peace corner I'm creating in my room. Mind you, these are all activities I'm doing at night since I can never win the fight against insomnia.

The mother in me was still subconsciously bothered because where is Robyn's test results?! I need to know if my 4 year-old is okay!! But I decided to continue being patient and wait until my back up number was getting called consistently and Lord behold it's CVS, calling to ask if I've received Robyn's results and I let the lady on the phone know that no I haven't gotten her results. The woman then proceeds to tell me what I was worried about, Robyn tested positive for covid though she had minimal signs and symptoms. I was a bit relieved. Not that Robyn was positive but that she at least wasn't suffering like me and her father. She's been active, happy, and playful while I can barely stay awake for more than 4 hours during the DAY. This made the "trying to be a super mom and battle covid while battling my chronic illness" thing just a tad more exhausting

All in all, as of today, August 8, 2021 I feel a little better than what I've been feeling this whole week. I'm not coughing and as congested as I was before. But I am still very nauseous, feverish, and off balance (not sure if that's from covid or from my M.S.) and my appetite is still missing but it was hard to have on a normal day, honestly. But I'm working on getting better. I've been making sure I'm eating fruits and vegetables as much as I can, I'm doing minimal exercising like my weekly morning walks outside, I'm trying to get as much sleep WHENEVER POSSIBLE (because sleeping at night is non-existent at this point in my life :S ) and I'm taking my vitamins. I even added new vitamins to my daily lineup like vitamin C and my best friend, Alexus who has already beat covid is sending me elderberry and sea moss because she says it helped her and her family when they had it. I'm hoping for the best but prepared for the worst. Please keep me in your prayers, manifestations, just whatever you believe in, keep my family in mind. Thank you. Always remember, Brionn loves YOU!

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