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Its MS Awareness Month! Here's What to Expect

Hey you guys, it's march so you know what that means! No, I'm not talking about March Madness. It's MS Awareness month! I love this because you see a lot of things come out of the woodworks from the MS community during this time. Being able to see people stand up and reach out for the betterment of others like us is something I find really enjoyable and honestly, reassuring. It reminds me that this is bigger than me, bigger than my youtube audience and it also reminds me that there's still a lot of work to be done. I plan to share as much MS knowledge as possible this month but not how I usually do. I want to dive head first into this month and really try to make some type of an impact, even if it is small, it would still be something. If you're wondering at this point what I plan to do, I'll give you a little overview. I definitely want to explain why I'm so big about promoting MS awareness and sharing knowledge on the disease but I won't make this whole month about me. I want to talk about some "strange" or unconventional symptoms some of us may experience that don't really get talked about too much. I really would like to shine some light on the MS community and some of the amazing people I've gotten to meet in it. Maybe some "foods for MS diets" videos and so much more! I have a lot of enthusiasm when it comes to this so I hope that you all do too, if not, at least stick around and see how this month goes. Just keep S'Myelin all month long!

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